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At a time when education is known as an equalizer of the human being, O'learn is an initiative that bridges the educational resources and skills gap by providing customized texts to students, mentor them on academic excellence, and train them on leadership and entrepreneurship.
If you set foot in a rural Kenyan classroom, you will observe many beautiful things. Among them, the energy of students happy about life and hungry for knowledge. You will also not miss out on the fact that the students to teacher ratios are as high as 70:1; besides, comprehensive learning materials still much lack, and up to 5 students can, at times, be sharing one text. At the end of a year, what you can expect is low students’ performance coupled with a few dropouts. Out of the 70 students who enroll in a classroom, only 20 proceed to higher levels of post-secondary education, and the remaining 50 are left behind. What pains more is that those who remain behind do not have access to opportunities to nurture their skills for the market place.
So we train them on self-leadership and how to take up roles and engage in income-generating activities that can transform their communities. The Kenyan curriculum is currently on the transition from 8.44 to competency-based, and so we are getting involved to produce texts that are well simplified to enable all high school students to grasp key concepts with ease.
So far, we have produced over 4,000 copies of texts, sold over 3500, and donated over 200 copies. We sell our texts through a cross-subsidy model and offer free academic, leadership, and entrepreneurship mentorships through our community of volunteer professionals.
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